Aki Boulanger》Review, BEST matcha patisserie in Paris 2018.02.10 Paris 巴黎精選推薦美食餐廳甜點 I really have to say "Aki Boulanger" is the best matcha patisserie shop in Paris. They have more than 20 kinds of matcha patisseries every day during the opening time. This is insane! I never seen a p... READ MORE
巴黎甜點推薦》青木定治Patisserie Sadaharu Aoki,抹茶控的法式甜點天堂 2018.02.10 Paris 巴黎精選推薦美食餐廳甜點 巴黎甜點懶人包推薦必點名Sadaharu Aoki青木定治,是巴黎裡擁有最多抹茶法式甜點的法式甜點店品牌店家,馬卡龍、巧克力、常溫蛋糕、冷藏蛋糕等等,通通有抹茶口味,這次吃了蚊香造型的抹茶焦糖塔,到底好不好吃呢?跟著毛毛一起來品嚐巴黎法式甜點吧! READ MORE