Christmas is definitely one of my favorite festivals! Last Christmas I went to London with my best friend, Wendy. We went to 10 different places to see the sparkling Christmas lights. Here are those s...
Aida Shoreditch是間英國倫敦的服飾家居品牌專賣店,身為吃貨當然是為了他們的咖啡廳而來的(笑),可以搭到Shoreditch High Street或是Old Street走過去,還可以順便買一下英國最好吃的甜甜圈Dum Dum Doughnuts,玫瑰拿鐵真的超美又夢幻,桃紅色的讓你少女心爆發,還有抹茶控會有興趣的抹茶拿鐵,但至於味道嘛...
倫敦英式下午茶推薦Kona Taj 51 Buckingham Gate Suites and Residences愛麗絲夢遊仙境Alice in Wonderland Afternoon Tea主題下午茶,讓你少女心爆發!餐點整體來說不錯,1個人價位不低,但是絕對吃飽,吃不完還可以外帶,五星級飯店的廚物、裝潢都是滿分,聖誕節當天也有營業,非常推薦來品嚐!