10 Christmas Lights in London英國倫敦聖誕節璀璨燈飾懶人包攻略地圖
Christmas is definitely one of my favorite festivals! Last Christmas I went to London with my best friend, Wendy. We went to 10 different places to see the sparkling Christmas lights. Here are those stunning places which we went to on the Christmas day, 25/12, hope you enjoy with us!
英國倫敦聖誕氣氛滿點,整理了倫敦市區內步行就可以到達的10個聖誕節裝飾燈,除了知名的牛津街、柯芬園、Seven Dials等等,毛毛更去了很多隱藏的秘密燈飾景點,完整整理分享給大家!
This is a two version article which I want to share with both English and Mandarin readers.
1. Trafalgar Square 特拉法加廣場
📍Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN
There’s a super high Christmas tree in the middle of the Trafalgar Square.
2. Strand Christmas Lights 河岸街
📍429 Strand London WC2R 0JR
3. Covent Garden Christmas 柯芬園
📍Covent Garden Piazza, Covent Garden
⏰Nov 13 2018-Jan 2 2019
Shops in Covent Garden are all closed on Christmas, and there’s no crowds here. Pretty tranquil and peaceful. Compared to the normal days in Covent Garden, it’s rare to see that there’s almost no one else here.
How stunning it is!
There’s a red Christmas tree nearby the Covent Garden.
Covent Garden’s cobbled piazza and market buildings are places you must come!
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📌 更詳細的介紹:出國網路吃到飽推薦!9折折扣碼|Wifi機租借/SIM卡/eSIM卡購買
4. Sunglass Hut’s building
📍15 James St, London WC2E 8BU
Keep walking and searching for the next Christmas lights, we came across this building with a big red bow.
This building is just in the front of the metro of Coven Garden station.
5. Seven Dials Christmas Lights
📍Seven Dials, Covent Garden
⏰Nov 15 2018
One of my favorite Christmas lights.
6. Regent Street Christmas Lights 攝政街
📍Regent Street, Soho
⏰Nov 15 2018-Jan 5 2019
After leaving those quite and calm places, we came to the busy Regent Street.
Regent Street are full of people, cars and shops.
The giant Christmas lights decorate through the whole Regent Street.
7. Conduit Street
📍Conduit Street
8. Carnaby Christmas Lights
📍Carnaby Street , Soho London W1F 9PB
⏰Thursday November 8 2018 – Saturday January 5 2019
Carnaby Christmas Lights is outstanding! It let us jump into the jungle which is absolutely different type of Christmas from the others.
Carnaby Street的風格很不一樣,很有叢林感。
We walked around this area randomly and found out some small lanes are also decorated with beautiful lights.
The lights are changing their colors.
9. Oxford Street Christmas Lights 牛津街
📍Oxford Street, Soho
⏰Nov 6 2018-Jan 6 2019
I love those silver and gold bubble lights in the peach black sky.
Every department store on the Oxford Street were not going to hiding themselves.
They’re all staring with sparkling lights.
10. New Bond Street
It’s a street which close to the Oxford Street.
The lights will change its form continuously.
It’s a peacock style Christmas lights.
This is the end of New Bond Street.
And it’s also the end of our “discovering the Christmas lights in London” journey.
Which one is your favorite? Leave the comments and share with me!:)
★FB美食旅遊食譜粉絲團→毛毛’s 吃美食愛旅遊日誌
★FB法國歐洲生活大小事粉絲團→LadyMoko毛毛 法國食尚旅居
►The London Eye倫敦眼。一生難忘絕對值得的超讚景點,網路訂票才聰明
►倫敦蓋威克機場市區交通》National Express網路訂票超簡單教學
►倫敦蓋威克機場市區交通》National Express驚慌哭實際搭車驚魂記&超暖心司機大哥
►Tower of London倫敦塔。時間給予歷史最好的堅定,輕輕從風中感受古人的傾訴
►Tower Bridge倫敦塔橋。幸運地目睹兩扇橋打開讓船駛過♥漫步泰晤士河畔,見證文明的演變
►Natural History Museum自然歷史博物館。標本與大型恐龍骨頭,極具教育性質
►The Sherlock Holmes Museum福爾摩斯博物館。穿越小說情節,走入真實偵探世界
►Brick Lane Market紅磚巷。街頭塗鴉藝術Graffiti、市集
►Camden Market肯頓市集。Angel Station附近挖寶小小市集,找尋失蹤的傳家寶
►Disney Store London。倫敦也有迪士尼專賣店!
►Liberty London,百年皇室級設計師百貨,高質感創意設計品瓷器 家居用品 文具
(下午茶甜點)Tombo。抹茶控出國照吃抹茶♥抹茶草莓蛋糕好吃♥(自然歷史博物館|V&A|South Kensington Station)
(下午茶甜點)Lola's Cupcakes。激推紅絲絨杯子蛋糕,好吃到一次可以吃10個♥(COVENT GARDEN |Waterloo)
(下午茶甜點)Necco Japanese Cafe Bar。粉紅日系可愛貓貓餐廳,超多抹茶甜點和日式餐點(抹茶控|貓奴|Angel station)
(下午茶甜點)Bea’s of Bloomsbury。旅行中給自己一個放空的下午,杯子蛋糕、咖啡、茶(行程規劃|Holborn|Russell Square)
(下午茶甜點早午餐)Laduree - covent garden分店。來英國一定一定要享受的法式甜點♥甜點和鹹食都好好吃,戶外用餐超享受
(甜點早午餐)Monocle Café。日式風格悠閒咖啡餐廳,濃郁巧克力配上抹茶鮮奶油♥特別又好喝(早餐下午茶|貝克街baker street)
(正餐)Burger & Lobster。整隻波士頓龍蝦送上桌,沒有MENU,一定要先做功課喔!(必吃美食|龍蝦堡|焗烤|牛肉|排隊名店|米其林|green park)
(正餐)Banh Mi Bay。道地、好吃,價格也很親民,可以吃超飽的份量但價格卻不超過10英鎊(Holborn station|越南料理)
(正餐)Flat Iron Steak。超高CP值牛排,便宜又超~好吃♥(牛排熟度英文|點餐教學|piccadilly circus)
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